
Dennis “Wayne” Jones

Age :


Gender :

 No preference

Pets/No Pets :

I like dogs.

Smoker/non smoker :

 I am a smoker.

Home with children or No children :

Kids :

No preference

Religion :

My family :

My sister is the only family member involved in my life.

Seeking :

I need someone to provide reminders redirection for all of my ADL’s due the onset of Vascular Dementia.

Caregiver Gender preference :

Skills :

I am quiet and stay to myself. I have Vascular Dementia cause by a stroke. I often have trouble remembering things. I constantly need reminders and redirection.  I do not know boundaries when it comes to my safety. I operate my breathing machine independently with verbal prompting.


Vascular Dementia

Sleep Apnea

Sinus Problems

Suffered a stroke-Unknown date



Hobbies & Interests :

I enjoy watching “Andy Griffith”, sitting outside on the porch, and fixing things around the house.

I enjoy drinking coffee in the morning before starting my day. I like drinking orange vitamin water and beer later in the day.

I enjoy eating out at Burger King, Captain D’s, and Chik Fil A.

I would enjoy church services but do not a preference.

My Home :

I want live in a CLS home and would like a housemate.

Neighborhoods :

Goals :

I want to become more independent. I would like to go back to work in the future.

Residence :

118 Tusculum Sqaure Dr Nashville TN 37211
I am currently staying with my sister.


Medical Background :

ADL Assistance :

Current Home/Environment Structure :